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Education is becoming more and more expensive as time unfolds. For this reason, a number of students are applying for scholarships to supplement their financial needs in school.
One good thing is that there are already various scholarships which are made available today to assist these students. There are the government, individuals, non-profit organizations, private organizations, who augment in granting scholarships.
However, not all are familiar on the ways to access information in applying for these scholarships. Basically, the following are the possible resources you can use in finding the process for scholarship application:
First, you can use the search engines in college scholarships.
Try to visit the free sites that link to scholarships research websites and databases. This tool is convenient for most as compared to the others sources since this can save both time and money.
You can just simply match your profile to numbers of scholarships where you think you qualify. Another advantage in using the college scholarship search engines is that it is always updated. Hence, this can have access to the most recent grants and financial aids made free on the Internet.
You can also link to the other sources. You can inquire through the local community and civic organizations, as well as in police departments and local fire department in your area; they might be offering college scholarships.
Also, the majority of the state governments extend financial assistance to in-state students. Hence, you can take advantage to the local assets.
Most often, the best scholarships are offered to students who excel in the fields of writing, science, math, music, sports as such. These types of scholarships although do not require high grades, a GPA of 2.0 will do. They commonly base on the students’ character, conditions and testimonials as to why you feel legible for the scholarship.
Also, do not expect that you can get the full scholarship by simply placing your time and effort only in one or two particular programs.
Keep in mind, that applying for college scholarship is merely a numbers game. So, it is best that you apply for more scholarships to be assured that you will succeed in one or more of them.
Now, after finding your prospective scholarship in either of the mentioned resources, you should then be able to know the process for college application next.
These are the ways to ensure your success in getting a college scholarship:
Search early. Majority of the scholarships are open for a definite time period. The scholarship will close after the process of application, then, you have to wait for another year to file your application again.
When you start your search early, you will not just be able to find the best scholarships; also, you will be able to apply for more scholarships, which will give you more chance of winning or more of them.
Be careful in reading the requirements. Remember, out of the large numbers of the scholarship, only a few of it will suit to your qualification. So, read carefully the qualifications set for the scholarships that you are applying for. And if they do not fit to your qualification, try looking for another one.
Complete the requirements. Just when you start for the application, you must have readied the requirements already. It is not advisable that you will wait for your sponsor to ask you for it before you arrange it.
Most of all, submit your application early, and anticipate that you will be considered as one of the scholars of the sponsor.
How can we, as individuals, participate in waste management? Because some of us are so overwhelmed with Earth’s problems, we feel that our contributions have no real consequence in the end. For others, social barriers can be an issue...
Waste Reduction, Environment, book, individual
Article Body:
How can we, as individuals, participate in waste management? Because some of us are so overwhelmed with Earth’s problems, we feel that our contributions have no real consequence in the end. For others, social barriers can be an issue. A lady we once knew confessed that she did not want to be seen buying used items or being concerned with power use. She was worried people would see her as cheap – a scrooge – when the family was so affluent. Yet, she was very careful to be seen with recycling bins out on the curb on pick-up day, because that was thought to be the thing to do socially. Now is a good time to put an end to these negative thoughts and feelings of false pride. Waste reduction is not about ego - it is about the health of the planet and of our nation.
Communities would be wise to look at Nova Scotia’s waste reduction success and try to emulate it in their area. With the highest waste reduction rates in Canada, Nova Scotia has reduced landfill contributions by 46% - saving about $31 million per year - simply by making the most of the organic and recyclable materials. Curbside recycling service (Blue Box) is available to 99% of its residents and 76% now enjoy curbside organic service (a.k.a. Green Box).
With better management of organic and recyclable waste, we will find we do not have to put the trash out as often because the odors and volume are greatly decreased. As a fiscal incentive, many garbage collection companies offer discounts to homes with reduced waste.
We can also help the waste management industry run more efficiently. For instance, when only full garbage bags and Blue or Green boxes are put out on the curb, the garbage truck does not have to stop as often and burn fossil fuels inefficiently while idling. (Incidentally, vehicle idling is responsible for 3% of the air pollution problem.) Similarly, by collapsing boxes before recycling we are ensuring that space is used more efficiently, thereby reducing the number of bins needed for transporting materials.
Recycling, alone, has a huge impact on the environment. A study of a 100-unit apartment building practicing maximum recycling found it would save 21.93 thirty-foot trees, 26.86 cubic yards of landfill space, 8,389 kilowatts of electricity, and 77.4 pounds of air pollution in just one year!
So you see, these seemingly small choices and efforts towards waste management really do make a difference.
Based on the directors brief experience in Europe as part of cult the story centers around Sherry, a young runaway meets the radical street collective SPARK - Street People Armed with Radical Knowledge - while she is living on the streets of Europe.
Reviews, movies, cults, mind control, JK Ellis,
Article Body:
Movie: Mouth to Mouth (2005)
Written and Director by Alison Murray
As a person interested in "group influence" it would be well worth anyones while to rent/buy the movie "Mouth to Mouth".
Based on the directors brief experience in Europe as part of cult the story centers around Sherry, a young runaway meets the radical street collective SPARK - Street People Armed with Radical Knowledge - while she is living on the streets of Europe. She travels through the continent in the SPARK van, recruiting members from street gangs and disenfranchised youth at raves and town squares and experiencing the group's giddy thrills as well as its punishing manipulations. Searching for a place to belong where she can still be herself, Sherry thinks she has found this in SPARK, but when her mother comes to find her, Sherry discovers that she must pay a heavy personal price for rebellion. Director, Alison Murray combines drama, suspense and choreographed movement in an intense, stylish and provocative look at youth culture, the struggles of parenthood, and the dark side of nonconformity.
What one can learn about "group influence" from this film is how easy it is to influence people when you offer them a sense of community and a little hope and encouragement.
The formula becomes very clear.
1) treat them as your friend and show interest in them as a person.
2) Act like you know what you're talking about.
3) Give them the idea that they are part of something bigger, a cause.
4) Enforce obedience to the group cause.
You can also learn how easy it is for a group leader to abuse the power that is given him.
All the characters in this movie have SOMETHING in them that we can empathize with, even the abusive cult leader.
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